June 15, 2011

Barcelona food crawl

Barcelona is a food city and most especially good for eating yourself into a comaBarcelona has been an experience....the sangria, beer and tapas.We spent most of our time wandering from various tapas bars  sampling more tapas than were probably healthy. Go hungry and open-minded as spontaneity can lead to both hits and misses, as long as you are willing to take the risk. Here are some of my experiences with the Barcelona food scene.  

Xocolata, as called in catalan is  easily the best hot chocolate that I have ever tried in my life.But you can't drink it like a typical hot chocolate, as it is very thick, rich and dark, but not that sweet and is always served with churros for dunking.

Churros con Xocolata

Churros filled with caramel, cream and what not!

There are many types of tapas bar, in most you just order from the counter or the waiter.  Few tapas bar and 'montaditos' kind of bars, the food will be set on the counter with toothpicks, you take a dish yourself and fill it with whatever tapas and 'montaditos' you like, but don't remove the toothpicks from your plate – this is how the bartender will tally up your bill. You  pay a certain amount for every toothpick on your plate.

Tapas at one of the tapas bar

Montaditos or little sandwiches
Throughout the trip, I’ve tried Paella from different restaurants in Barcelona. But sadly, I could not find the best one as they all tasted exactly the same. I suspect they were the pre-packaged frozen paellas or maybe we had unreasonably high expectations.  To drink, we practically had Sangria, Cava and Estrella beer everyday. 

Estrella , the local favorite brand which is served everywhere

 We also ate very well at our apartment. There was a grocery store and bakery nearby .