February 3, 2010

Chocolate adventure in Zurich

You can’t travel to Zurich and not eat chocolateBahnhofstrasse is the main drag which runs for the train station to the lake. This stretch of Zurich is the most expensive commercial real estate. Excellent shops, anything you want is right there. Including many chocolate shops with beautiful displays in the windows and equally beautiful to look at. If you have just few hours to spend in Zurich, make no mistake: chocolate should be a priority.

There are many fantastic chocolate stores in Bahnhofstrasse, the famous names and the lesser known places. The amount and varied types of chocolates in the store is really astounding. Various Cocoa-dusted “truffle cakes", sophisticated pastries, pralines and hand made truffles arranged for a perfect display share the limelight in each of these stores. The only problem with buying from one chocolate shop, is that not long later you’ll stumble into another chocolate shop. However if you like to go for the handmade truffles or other specialities "Spruengli" and "Teuscher" are probably still the best.

Sprungli is the most famous confiserie, with its flagship storefront on Bahnhofstrasse. The chocolate here are excellent, but it is more known for "Luxemburgeli",kind of tiny macaroon or meringues with various cream fillings.


Teuscher is well-known for its Champagne truffles and they also have "Batons Kirsch",dark chocolate sticks filled with liqueur and dusted with cocoa.

The chocolates in these shops are expensive, but you can buy chocolates by the piece, just one or a small box.If nothing else, just walking around these acclaimed chocolate shops is an adventure by itself .